Death of the level designer (journal response)

By reading this article the reader can be able to learn what Procedural Generation in the gaming world actually takes you. Also, the article also informs the reader about the different procedural generations in either 2d games and 3d games. Level designers should be able to take responsibility to create levels and maps by utilizing tools within which they are most comfortable using. Each part of this article mentions an important aspect of procedural generation, for example, part one informs the reader about runtimes on a random level generation, and part 3 would mention Dynamic world generation. Honestly, my favorite part of this article is reading about  Dynamic world generation, because if you program the game with a specific algorithm the designer must be careful with how they program it as well. For example "

Changing the algorithm will also change all of the map, as the map structures themselves are highly dependent on the algorithm and therefore the software cannot be upgraded easily without resetting the game. The procedural content generated must be verified as consistent as a part of the run-time implementation: which limits what checks can be made to ensure that the content makes sense and therefore requires robust generation procedures. Finally, any change to the map must be stored as a delta."

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