Level 1: Journal Response to Theory of Fun Chapters 2 & 3

Theory of Fun For Game Design

Chapter 2- While reading Chapter 2 i have learned that many people in psychological terms have a pageant view on the word "game" even to some of the Game Designers , they would say that when playing or interacting in a game that there is always a rule of play.  Another thing I find eye catching is how the book gives the reader a depiction of what the main idea of the chapter is telling the reader. I can possibly agree that chapter 2 brings forth the idea that in our everyday lives, we have the ability to do things, repeat them and chunk the routines until they are burned into our memories.

Chapter 3- Personally I would concede to the fact that there are multiple  definitions  of the word game, and also at the beginning of this chapter it makes sense some people would consider games to be a simulation. On page 38 the book brings up an interesting fact about  how our brains can be compared with games in general  such as limitations in the nature of the game and the interpetation of how fun a game can be. Finally The best part is how the book claims how a game can be alleged "Boring" when the player or players have completely mastered the game and the rules are hindered useless.

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