Level 2: 10 page section (Game Conflict)

As far as Game conflicts goes within my game, the ability to win in itself is the conflict, if you think about it the player needs to obtain the goal, which is to win the race. Even Though the objective is to win the race there is more for the player to worry about, such as your pitting strategy. Pitting strategy plays an important role to most if not all officially licensed racing games. Let's say in worse case scenarios  you are running out of fuel or your car is suffering from damage. You are going to need to ask yourself how and when do I need to come pit, Time Management would play a key part here. Another conflict the player may see/have is getting passed all the other cars, what do I mean by that ? basically what I mean is that depending on your experience with driving or AI difficulty you could potentially be hit side by side by cars on your left, refusal to let you pass, or if you’ve wrecked a driver in the previous lap that driver will look for you and wreck you as hard as possible. Driving setups could also be a conflict within the game, because if you by chance equip the wrong setup without practicing with it, you wouldn't be able to properly drive the way you want to.

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