Level 2: Medium of the Video Game(chapter 5) Journal Entry

In Chapter 5 of the book "The Medium of The Video Game " By Mark J.P. Wolf the first few pages of the book give the reader a classic rundown of what does a game bring to the table of the player, what a player is looking for throughout a game, such as a good narrative, juicy  gameplay also how the game mainly focuses on the players and motions. As Mark wolf continues the story he deeply dives into the main concepts of what games can be she introduces the reader to a video game world called "diegetic games". This concept is a concept where the video game and storyline comes together on the screen. From here on out Mark Wolfe actually gives a basic history on how video games begin to revolutionized throughout the years not only through graphics but I'm also how the gameplay can affect the player. Going onward towards the end of the story the author JP wolf concludes is the story that there are more possibilities towards how the future of video games can be possibly not rated and can grab the players attention.

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