10 pager (gameplay experience)

         Gameplay Experience 

Now as far as gameplay experience goes I would want the player to feel like he's in an actual NASCAR race, like for example how the actual NASCAR drivers prepare for a race during this covid-19 just like how they would usually prepare themselves for the race by using a simulator on the current track if they're actually going to. The controls for the PC would Implement how a driver would feel inside of a race car, but the rival system that I will add to the game we'll also simulate how real-life NASCAR races would go when drivers become agitated angered or for that matter annoyed will try to wreck you and ruin your day at the race. On top of this players will be able to experience first hand, what a Nascar race will actually feel like. Just like past Nascar arcade games felt like


WebGL-Roll-A-Ball.zip Play in browser
Mar 15, 2021

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